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Build your own journey to wellbeing with George and Amber-Rose.

Your first session is free.

We know that time in natural spaces brings with it a resilience and strength and by reconnecting, in the right way, it is possible to drive our wellbeing.


Coaching from Beyond Domestication gives you access to a rewilding expert, with lived experience of driving their own wellbeing through interaction with natural places and natural processes.

You will be guided clearly through the Seven Practices, learning how to rewild your wellbeing in different areas in your life. The goal throughout is to become an expert of how you feel and how the Seven Practices fit your lifestyle.


We will be there to guide you at each step of journey, providing encouragement, support and knowledge. But, ultimately we will be challenging you to regularly check in with your own feelings and adapt your life based on what makes you feel better.

Natural Coaching Supported By The Seven Practices

Heal Your Gut Health by Learning from George’s Crohn’s Disease Remission

Find Your Foot Health and Heal Bunions with George a Vivobarefoot Barefoot Coach

Develop Functional Breathing with Amber-Rose an Oxygen Advantage Instructor.

Reconnect to the natural world and take control of your wellbeing.

George Knight

• Training Consultant and Author at the Directory of Social Change
• Lived experience of using the Seven Practices for physical health, including  reaching remission from Crohn’s disease and healing bunions
• Author of Beyond Domestication
• Vivobarefoot Barefoot Coach
• Level 4 Bushcraft Instructor
• Level 3 Forager
• Archer

Amber-Rose Knight

• People Operations Lead at the Campaign Against Living Miserably
• Lived experience of using nature exposure and natural practices to support her own mental health
• Master’s degree in Human Resources Management
• Oxygen Advantage Breathwork Coach
• Level 4 Bushcraft Instructor
• Fine Art Photographer
• Archer

What can we explore?

– The importance of diet in wellbeing.

– The restorative role of natural water, air, and sunlight.

– Functional breathwork techniques to enhance health and wellbeing.

– Guidance on adapting to barefoot shoes and walking.

– Strategies for setting goals and building vision boards.

– Mindfulness practices for a happier and healthier life.

– Guidance on using sleep as a healer.

– Tips for managing Crohn’s, Colitis, and IBS effectively.

How It Works

– First Hour Free: Your first hour of coaching is completely free.

– Open to Everyone: Anybody can be coached by Beyond Domestication.

– Couples: You can attend sessions as a pair.

– Online Sessions: All sessions take place online via Zoom.

– Goal-Oriented or Flexible: Attend with a strict goal (e.g., breathwork to improve asthma symptoms) or with no specific goal at all.

– Want a free session? Simply scroll down, and fill in the details.

Have a look at our coaching topics, select your interests, and we will be in touch.

Anything specific you want to talk about in your session?(Required)
Please pick as many as you like.
Do you want George or Amber-Rose to contact you?