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Seven Practices


The last pre-requisite for all life on Earth, sunlight, is the final piece of life’s puzzle. When water combined with air and sunlight, life exploded on Earth, spreading to every corner of the globe that these 3 elements could reach.

As a species, our needs have not changed drastically since the agricultural revolution, but the way we live has. The lifestyle of a modern human is drastically different from our ancient ancestors’ lifestyle, with our relationship to shelter going through as substantial change as any. It is now possible for people to indefinitely stay within their four walls, ordering everything they need through the internet.

We have lost the need to spend time outside under our sun, and now we are missing out on the nutrients that it provides. Furthermore, with our global network supporting travel worldwide, it is possible to live in places out of alignment with our evolution. To access the nutrients we need from our sun, it starts with understanding the place where we live and then maximising the amount of time we can safely spend outdoors under sunlight.

Pre-Requisite for Life

Safe Sunbathing

“We have lost the need to spend time outside under our sun, and now we are missing out on the nutrients that it provides.”

Next: Movement

What we do

Natural sunlight

Midday sun

Healthy eye exposure

Full-body exposure


Why do we rewild?

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