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Who needs to read this?

I am enough.

I am beautiful.

I am brave.

I am loved.

This is the mantra we speak to the mirror each morning on the Unguarded Warrior retreats, followed up by a high-five with our reflection.

But, how did I end up here, high-fiving my reflection?

Last Christmas, I met a man called James O Keefe, and he told me about his vision to support all men.

It is no secret that men are mistreating our place in society. Maybe not you, maybe not me. But as a collective, can men do more for our fellow humans and this planet we live on?

This is the question James set out to explore over the last 15 years, leading to the development of the Unguarded Warrior retreat.

James described himself to me as a conduit, and for want of a better word, that is what he has become.

He has brought together a team of powerful men and women he met along his journey. And he has found a way to deliver years of his self-discovery in a packed weekend.

George leading a rewilding walk in the forest


During Presence in December, we shared our journeys, ate local wild plants, meat and mushrooms, swam in cold water, hugged, cried and shared stories around the fire pit.

But ultimately, we considered how we could all be more present for our friends and family. I was left feeling a stronger connection to Amber and my family. It was also the first time I had spoken openly to strangers about losing my Mum in 2019.

Getting ready to prepare this wild pheasant


At Resilience in February, I took a step deeper into myself.

We still swam in cold water, ate local food and shared our stories. But after one of James’ wild workouts (nothing you could not do!) I was struck by an overwhelming connection to my Mum, despite losing her nearly three years ago.

At that moment, I sat down, grounded to the Earth and started crying. Completely in sync with my energy, Kev, also known as the breathwork boss Breatheolution, hugged me in his arms and held that space for me.

When was the last time you were so comfortable in a group of men that you could cry in front of them?

That connection to my mum and the men is what Unguarded Warrior has given me.

I have always been told that men do not want to speak, which is not true. Men do want to speak. They just do not have the space.


Growth is the name of the third retreat, and only James knows what is in store for the Unguarded Warriors there.

Are you looking for a space for connection?

Or do you know a man that needs to read this?

There is always another way.

Please join us at Growth on April 29 – May 1 2022:

Palm trees on an Australian beach

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