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How to use nature to support wellbeing

Time in nature is a valuable remedy for the challenges of modern life, offering a break from a hectic schedule and promoting wellbeing.

It boosts mood, enhances creativity, and fosters a positive and present mindset.

Here are some simple tips for spending healthy time in nature:

– Walk without distractions: Leave your headphones at home and enjoy a walk without any media to enhance creativity.

– Walk with a friend: Make it a habit to walk with a friend so you can motivate each other to spend time in nature.

– Forage wild food: Connect with the Earth by foraging for wild food, like blackberries or nettles.

– Draw nature: Practice observing nature by sketching details with a pen and pad in a comfortable spot outdoors.

– Sit and wait: Take a mindful approach by sitting still and observing wildlife, allowing animals to come to you without disturbance.

– Learn a plant or tree’s name: Get to know the different species around you, making your nature experiences more personal.

– Perform a sensory meditation: Connect with nature using your senses by focusing on what you can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste in a comfortable outdoor spot.

George introducing the Oyster mushroom on a Rewilding Walk

Why time in nature is healthy

Three reasons we spend time in nature:

– Forest Bathing (airbathing): Immersing oneself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest has been shown to reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. The practice fosters a deep connection with nature, promoting overall wellbeing.

– Grounding: Nature provides a direct connection to the Earth, allowing us to ground. Walking barefoot on natural surfaces, like grass or soil, lets us absorb negative electrons from the ground, reducing inflammation.

– Mood Enhancement: Spending time in nature triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators. The serene environment, fresh air, and natural beauty contribute to a positive mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

George walking barefoot
Walking barefoot on Dartmoor

If you are ready to take on a rewilding challenge, take the Seven Practices Challenge today.

Or, you can join us on our next Rewilding Walk.


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