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Hows your sleep routine?

You will spend a third of your life asleep, and encouraging healthy sleep is a simple way to look after your body.

Many factors affect sleep, including age, diet, exercise, and health. We’ve found that the easiest way to help people improve their sleep is to let their bodies guide them.

Here are a few simple suggestions that can help you to find your sleeping pattern:

Listen to your body

– Notice how you feel after different lengths of sleep.

– Do you wake up naturally at a certain hour?

– Let your body tell you how long it needs.

– Experiment by allowing yourself to wake up without an alarm.

Establish a consistent bedtime

– Partner this with waking up without an alarm. Let your body’s natural rhythm sync back in.

– Try maintaining this even on weekends to reinforce the rhythm.

– Allow your bedtime to change naturally through the year. I gradually adjust to sleeping later during the summer.

Ruffled duvet in a calm bedroom
Create a peaceful sleeping environment

Sleep in nature

– Leaving behind your domesticated environment for a night in nature can immediately enhance the quality of your sleep.

– It helps you have the ultimate reset of your sleeping pattern.

– When did you last sleep under the stars or wake up to the birds?

These simple tips can significantly impact your sleep if you let them.

Whether camping or glamping, let time in nature provide a healthy night’s sleep.

Remember that sleep is entirely personal, and your sleep pattern will likely change throughout your life. The trick is to take notice of the pattern and let it guide you towards healthy sleep.

Can you find time around your busy schedules to prioritise healthy sleep?

If you want to learn more about Sleep, buy the book Beyond Domestication, available everywhere now:

View of a scottish loch from inside a tent
Wake up in nature
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