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Earth's Protection

In Southern England, the sun does not provide Vitamin D all year round. Around October every year, the sun reaches the point in its yearly cycle where many beneficial rays become unable to penetrate Earths thick atmosphere.

As the Earth travels around the sun, tilting on its axis as it goes, creating the four seasons we all know today, it also changes the mixture of harmful and helpful light rays we are exposed to.

The truth is, without the Earths protection, all of the suns light is harmful to humans. Only when the light is filtered through the Earths atmosphere does it begin to gain beneficial qualities. However, in October, the maximum angle of the sun in the sky becomes so shallow that the Earths atmosphere strips away not only the harmful rays of light but some of the benefits too.

Safe sunbathing is imperative for wellbeing

What do we lose?

Every winter, the provision of natural vitamin D from light is lost until the following spring. This provision is lost at different points worldwide, with only places near the equator benefiting all year around.

On October 12, in Southern England, we will lose the benefit of natural Vitamin D until March the year after. At Beyond Domestication, we know how important it is for our health to safely sunbathe, and we have spent the summer maximising time in natural light, hoping it will be enough to carry us through the colder months.

Do you spend 15 minutes outside everyday?

Not just Vitamin D

The good news is despite losing Vitamin D, the sun is still a provider of nutrients in the winter, despite its lower elevation in the sky. Vitamin D steals all the awards for beneficial sunlight, but it is just the ray of light that we understand better. There are many more beneficial aspects to being in natural light.

Nutritionist Tim Spector prescribes 15 minutes of daily sunlight exposure, along with a diverse diet of whole foods, as being an effective way to access the vitamins vital for human health. Whether it is winter or not.

So we may be about to lose Vitamin D from our sun, but your challenge does not change.

Can you spend 15 minutes outside every day for health and wellbeing?

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