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Improve your breathing

We spend our whole lives breathing; it comes to us naturally and unconsciously.
But have you ever considered the impact of your unconscious breathing?
Is your breathing functional and supportive to your health, or dysfunctional and potentially harmful?
If you want to test whether you have functional breathing, you can do so easily and quickly by measuring your BOLT score.
What is the BOLT score?
The BOLT (Body Oxygen Level Test) measures how long you can comfortably hold your breath after a normal exhalation until you feel the desire to breathe.
This simple test provides insight into your breathing efficiency and your body’s tolerance to carbon dioxide, helping you determine if your breathing is functional or dysfunctional.
Amber-Rose mindfully breathing
Amber-Rose mindfully breathing

Test Your BOLT Score

Step 1:
Sit comfortably in an upright position. Have your phone or watch ready to start the timer.
Step 2:
Breathe normally in and out through your nose. Ensure your breathing is calm and relaxed.
Step 3:
When you are ready, after your next exhalation, pinch your nose with your fingers to prevent air from entering. Start your timer immediately after you pinch your nose.
Step 4:
Hold your breath until you feel the first definite urge to breathe – this might be a sensation in your throat, chest or belly. When you feel this, release your nose and stop the timer. Resume breathing through your nose. If nasal breathing is difficult, you likely held your breath for too long.
Understanding your results
The number of seconds you held your breath for is your BOLT score.
  • Less than 15 seconds: Indicates poor breathing functionality.
  • 15-20 seconds: Suggests average breathing efficiency but with significant room for improvement.
  • 20+ seconds: Reflects good breathing efficiency. Maintaining and improving your breathing habits can further enhance your score.
  • 40+ seconds: Indicates excellent breathing efficiency. Well done!
Benefits of improving your BOLT score
People with a higher BOLT score and functional breathing experience:
  • Reduced anxiety and enhanced mental and physical resilience.

  • Improved gas exchange in the lungs, supporting better athletic performance, endurance and recovery.

  • Enhanced focus, concentration and attention span.

Why Functional Breathing Matters

Functional breathing can transform your health and wellbeing. The Oxygen Advantage program is designed to teach you how to enhance your everyday breathing, improving your BOLT score and reap the numerous benefits of functional breathing.
Get started on your breathing journey
If you’re ready to improve your BOLT score and transform your breathing habits, reach out for a personalised coaching session.
As an Oxygen Advantage Advanced Instructor, I can guide you through tailored exercises and techniques to enhance your breathing efficiency.
Contact me, Amber-Rose, at [email protected] or fill out the Coaching form. You could also download the Oxygen Advantage app for an introduction to effective breathing exercises.
Invest in your breath, invest in your health. Start your journey towards functional breathing today!
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