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Thank you

We are going to start this year with gratitude for 2021.

2021 was the year that Beyond Domestication left Amber’s and my head as we began sharing this story with individuals and organisations.

Throughout this period, we were supported by a brilliant, diverse team of advisors.

Our advisors oversaw all that we could achieve, and we are incredibly grateful for the support and knowledge they provided.

To recognise their role, we asked them to pick two charities for us to donate to, and they chose West London Welcome and NeuroMuscular Centre.

West London Welcome
NeuroMuscular Centre

We are pleased to support both of these charities and thank them for representing the Seven Practices with their beneficiaries.

Thanks again to the advisors, Raymond Sykes, Dr Ed Caddye, Mike Holland, Theresa Lindsay, Tony Alexander, Julia Kirkland and Mike Winstanley.

George and Amber looking out over the mountains

Video | Best Camping in Snowdonia?

| YouTube | No Comments
George and Amber-Rose take a 4 day trip to the Rhinog Mountains in May 2024. This was our first time in Snowdonia and we wanted to check out the Rhinog…
Solve For Nature podcast banner

Interview | George and Amber-Rose with Eugene Bible for the Solve For Nature Show

| Air, Food, Mindfulness, Movement, Podcast, Sleep, Sunlight, Water | No Comments
George and Amber-Rose were interviewed by Eugene Bible for the Solve For Nature Show. Episode details: George and Amber-Rose are the founders of Beyond Domestication, a UK-based company specialising in…
Amber-Rose looking out into nature

Blog | Test Your BOLT Score

| Air, Blog | No Comments
We spend our whole lives breathing; it comes to us naturally and unconsciously. But have you ever considered the impact of your unconscious breathing? Is your breathing functional and supportive…
Palm trees on an Australian beach

Blog | How to Practice Daily Mindfulness 🧠

| Air, Blog, Food, Mindfulness, Movement | No Comments
As someone who was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease as a child, I (George) learned at an early age that my relationship with my body is something that can be developed.…

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