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What is Wellbeing and Work?

Wellbeing and Work is a wellbeing framework that helps organisations to objectively understand where they are at on their own wellbeing journey. Organisations are scored against their creativity, health of employees and sustainability, with clear guidance given on how an organisation may seek to improve.

What will my organisation get out of it?

We have experienced a period of rapid change and it is important to reflect these changes in your organisational strategy.

Wellbeing-focused organisations reflect this approach in their policies, structure and standards; encouraging wellbeing to thrive for employees at each level of the organisation.

When you have a Wellbeing And Work assessment you gain an objective understanding of your efforts to promote wellbeing in your organisation as well as clear guidance of the next steps you can take to continue on your journey.

What outcomes will it cover?

  • Supporting health of employees
  • Driving creativity and innovation
  • Supporting a sustainable future
  • Building a team of happy people
  • Increasing staff retention

How it works?

A Wellbeing And Work consultancy includes both a quantitative and qualitative assessment of your organisation, looking at both policies and procedures and staff opinions and behaviours. We will assess your performance against the seven practices to address how effectively and sustainably your organisation supports employees, the local community and the planet.

For example, if you are scored against the physical environments you create for your staff, there may be questions like: are you an organisation that promotes healthier patterns of movement by offering standing/ground working? Or, do you encourage your staff to use movement for wellbeing?

Each of the results from analysis against the seven practices will feed directly into the outcomes above, allowing for you and your organisation to objectively see what steps you can take to continue driving wellbeing for your staff and the wider community.

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