Build the habit of healthy time in nature.
One season. 28 challenges.
What are the Seven Practices?
The Seven Practices are a product of the wellbeing journey Co-Founders George and Amber-Rose have been on over the last five years.
When you choose to rewild your wellbeing with the Seven Practices you are choosing to build the resilience of both your physical and mental health.
Rewild your wellbeing
Reconnect to nature with 28 challenges. Designed to be completed at least once a season, the Seven Practices Challenge from Beyond Domestication will take you a journey to prioritise wellbeing.
After completing the challenge you will have a better understanding of supporting your own wellbeing. Upon completion, gift it to a friend or take it into your office and encourage others to begin their journey.

George is a qualified Forager that started his rewilding journey because he was suffering from Crohn’s disease. Finally, in 2021, after 21 years, George achieved remission for the disease and has been symptom-free for much of the last 5 years.

Amber-Rose used the Seven Practices to guide her on a mental health journey, connecting to nature and the practice of Mindfulness to support her wellbeing.
£1 from each purchase will be donated to the Ancient Tree Forum.
Ancient trees are irreplaceable. A vital and treasured part of our history, they add beauty to our landscapes, provide a home to many species of plants and animals, and bring communities together. The Ancient Tree Forum vision is for ancient and other veteran trees, their wildlife, and their heritage and cultural values to be safeguarded now and in the future. They are a micro-charity, with a mighty impact. With their partners, volunteers and influence, and an international network of leading specialists from ecologists, arborists, public policy, to education specialists – they can make this vision a reality.
Tracy –
Thank you George and Amber-Rose for producing this great concept The Challenge!
I believe every household should have one.
The challenge opens you up to other places you may not have ever been, of dared to have adventured ..It may to take you out of your comfort zone, but always in a good way.
The Challenge will open your mind up to another way of living, and even maybe to reawaken your inner emotions and feelings.
From the beginning of opening up the first door to Food, Water, Air, Sunlight,Movement, Mindfulness, and Sleep…..leads you to a lovely excited feeling of what lies beneath the next door ahead, and the Challenge it may lead you to.
I will be thoroughly recommending The Challenge to all my friends and family as I unique gift, that keeps on giving from day to day throughout the year. It has been beautifully presented, and would enhance any place it may live.
Thank you once again.
Andy –
Really excited to receive the Seven practices Challenge. The delivery arrived promptly and first impressions are that it is really well researched and beautifully designed. It will enhance any room that you choose to place it in.
Each of the seven practises has four stages of progression. It invites you to explore the different levels and challenge yourself in an informative and fun way.
Rest assured as you move through the different levels from Seed through to Tree you will learn and be encouraged to progress to the next stage. I found I was actually looking forward to taking the next step to see where it might take me.
It’s fun, informative, very well conceived and it made me think differently about what’s around me and how I can enhance my life by heightening my awareness of things that we don’t always see or notice in our busy everyday lives.
I am a very active outdoor person and It actually made me want to be outside even more to breathe in the air, to look, listen and feel what’s out there around us all.
Your outdoor walks and how we look after ourselves and others may never be the same again as you become more aware and begin your re-wilding journey.
Well done and thank you ‘Beyond Domestication’.
Raymond –
A brief note to say how much I’m enjoying the Seven Practices Challenge. I’ve begun under the Seed category for all challenges and I have seen the benefits already of changing my diet as you suggest in the SP Guide. My sleep has improved through the challenge and I’ve introduced plants in all rooms in my house to improve the quality of the air – what a difference this makes. I’ve also ditched drinking out of plastic bottles! I’ll continue to work through the remaining challenges as I can see and feel real benefit.
RAS, Scotland
Mark –
I love my seven practices challenge, it really helps me keep grounded and focused on what’s important in life, plus it looks great on my shelf. I honestly feel great since doing it and keep up with a lot of the challenges now I’ve finished it too 👌
Cherry –
I’m only on the beginning seed row, but just wanted to say – it is fantastic and a very good thing indeed! As someone with a side hustle in painting and creating, I just adored the look and feel of it too.
Just wanted to tell you, as so often we forget to tell people when they do ace things, but you have and so I will!