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Seven Practices


This is one of the hardest practices to write about as the perception of mindfulness in society can come down to just guided breathwork and gong baths, but it can be so much more than that. As valuable as these objective meditations can be, it can be a lot simpler than that. Mindfulness is about the attitude we take into our life, the energy we bring to a situation, and how we handle the quality of our thoughts.

Mindfulness can manifest as helping a colleague at work or as a 10-year life plan. It can also be something as simple as eating dinner without the TV or going for a run without music.

There are many ways to explore Mindfulness, whether through the visualisation of our future, active participation in life each day, or even having a healthy balance with our smartphone. Mindfulness is the gateway to exploring how we feel and enabling health and wellbeing to thrive.

Finding Focus

Practicing Gratitude

“Mindfulness is the gateway to exploring how we feel and enabling health and wellbeing to thrive.”

Next: Sleep

What we do

Plan life goals

Practice gratitude

Time reading

Sensory meditations

Eat without screens

Why do we rewild?

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